Studenten vor viertel
BA Practice Based Course
In collaberation with the Teßmann library in Bolzano we were asked to redesign books from their archives. This german book called “Studenten vor viertel”, written by Lore von Klebelsberg, published in 1947 showcases one full day as a university student, from morning till evening.
The redesign focusses on the aspect of time passing. This book was a gift to Lore’s father for his 60th birthday. Now he would be 136 years old.
The clock on the cover of the book is moveable and the sheets with the cut out people are bookmarks. The book is done with stitch binding and cascading chapters. Visually each chapter becomes more modern from a typewrighter typeface to a serif and lastly a non serif typeface. The illustrations become more animated and colorful and at the end images are also incorperated into the design.
Tick tock, tick tock, time never stops …