Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

Design a tree – Autonomous Eco Truck


BA Design Warm-Up – Foundation Course




For this project I wanted to create something useful, new and  of course connected to the concept of a tree. I started thinking about the functions of a tree and I came out with the function of the leaves. The leaves catch the solar light and transmit energy to the tree. Thanks to the leaves the tree can sustain itself without being helped by some esternal factors. For this reason i decided at first to create and design a waterbottle. This waterbottle has a solar panel on the cup and on the body of the bottle it has some Peltier cells, cells that thanks to the energy transmitted by the solar panel they generate warmth and cold. the inner part of the bottle is made of aluminium that is a transmitter material and on the outside it’s made out of hard plastic or cork. Rotating the cup of the waterbottle you can decide if you want to warm up or cool down the content of the bottle. This bottle doesn’t need to be plugged in because it is completely independent and autonomous.After this first idea I undertood that this concept coul have been transfered into a bigger product, more useful and that could have different usefulnesses. I came up with a container for food and also for liquids but it had the same function and I wanted to use this idea in something even bigger. That’s why i came up with the idea of the truck. The truck from the outside looks exacly like a normal truch but on the inside it has the same mechanism of the waterbottle. On the roof of the truck there is a big solar panel, able to give enough energy to the whole truck. On the inside of the trailer there are four different rooms, container, big enough to contain the goods you need to transport. on the sides of these containers and on the top of them ther are numerous Peltier cells, bigger than the ones I put on the waterbottle. From the handles of the containers you can decide if you want to warm up or cool down each single container.