Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

Magazine – Frangibile


BA Design Warm-Up – Foundation Course




The project I was asked to develop gave me the opportunity to show a very important theme: the strength of sensitivity and fragility. I wanted to analyse the theme from a top-down perspective, without entering into the fragile recesses of the deepest and most vulnerable sensitivity, but trying to focus on the leverage points of an entirely human characteristic that can become a great source of strength and a turning point in an inner evolutionary process. With the light colours, the impalpable veils, the lightness of the fonts used, in their simple linearity, I wanted to express the precious nature of this characteristic. Sensibility as transformation, joyful awareness of the self after a journey that is never the same. The page layouts, which leave white space, are intended to underline the need to take a purifying breath between one step and the next in the golden chain of the construction of one’s own sensitivity.

