Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design



MA Practice Based Course




Microbes are incredibly impactful beings on this planet, they exist in every animal and everywhere around us. Yet, they remain unseen. Often times we don’t think or even forget about what we cannot see. The services microbes do for us are incredibly valuable for thriving ecosystems and a healthy life. Therefore, this project aims to shine a light on the world of microbes and make them explorable for people. By creating connections and exchange between microbes and humans knowledges about the biology and interconnectedness of ecosystems should be spread. Through processes of commoning and care existing narratives and markets for microbial products should be challenged, making the topic explorable and affordable for the public. Hence this project also aims to build bridges between sienctific research and common knowledge.

In the microclima workshop the process of fermentation is used to raise awareness for the importance of microbes. To create connections between the participants and the species of the microbes, the story of fermentation is told through the perspective of the microbe. The participants have to collaborate with the microbes to create mutual benefits. The idea of creating the right microclimate for the microbes to thrive serves as a metaphor for caring for other species in our planets ecosystems.