Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

Plants under Cover – Edo


BA Product Design Project




Cloches function in the same way as greenhouses but on a miniature scale. Unlike coldframes and mini-greenhouses they are normally easy to move around. They are used to protect rows of low growing, or cover individual plants in ornamental gardens.
Edo consists of 3 parts, the roof, the four spheres and the main body part.
The roof part can be reversed as required, to collect water or to prevent it from getting in. From the tank there is one or multiple threads that will lead the water directly to the plants roots.
The four spheres are attached to the body but can be taken away. They provide a gap between the roof and the main body that ensures the ventilation on hot days. An inspiration for our ventilation system was the windtowers in northern Africa, where the air enters through the gaps from one side and the warm air leaves from another side.
On cold or windy days the spheres can be taken off and the top can be put directly on the body.
The roof can be perfectly stored under the main body, where four little inlets where cut, allowing transportation of the cloche with a rope.

The photos were taken by  Cruzio Castellan.