Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design


Course topic/s

MA Practice Based Course




STRG_N is an approach to change the way data is collected and how people think about their own data.

Digitalisation is entering every aspect of our lives. Nevertheless not everybody knows what that means. Especially in the case of data collecting. Everyone uses technologies and programs for “free” but few are aware about the fact, that they pay with data of themselves. This data became really valuable nowadays.

So let’s imagine, there would be a big boom. For some minutes everything is going to be black. Nobody gets hurt, it is like a moment of pause for everyone. And when the light go on again nothing really changed. Nothing but all of the existing data is gone. Technology, algorithm, … everything is still there, but they are not working anymore, because they were programmed and trained with sets of data which are all gone now. It seems like everything is set back to the default. So what is going to happen now? How will data be collected from now on?


