struere – deposition manufactured marble urns
BA Product Design Project
Marble – so far – is used to stay forever. It is a solid stone and processed subtractively. These assumptions seem like laws in regard to dealing with the traditional stone but are overturned in this project. “struere – deposition manufactured marble urns” is a small product family of urns that are built additive and decompose biodegradable, once they are buried.
Marble is surrounded by half-truths and myths – one of them is its persistence. For the project I wanted to treat this myth destructively, to explode it and to build new ones. Against traditional approaches, these urns are made from marble residues and degrade under the ground. More than that they also deacidify the soil because of contained calcium carbonate. The urns are built using a fused deposition manufacturing technique, like 3D printing, which outdates the traditional subtractive dealing with marble. Thus, the urns can be understood as critical objects. They raise questions and open a discussion touching cultural and political dimensions like dealing with death, with resources and property.