Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

Strumenti per disegnare

Course topic/s

BA Visual Communication Project




“Frammento” is the tool designed for the illustration workshop held by Guido Scarabottolo. It consists of a fragment of a wild cherry, whose sign was used to create the animated illustrations below which were posted on the instagram page of our course.

“I am a wild cherry tree, born spontaneously in the garden. In spring, my branches are adorned with white flowers and in summer my cherries feed the blackbirds. I grew so fast that my branches seemed to touch the sky. Since too long, they were trimmed and from that point on, a part of me resides in the woodshed, waiting to burn. One day, a fragment of my branch was taken away from its sad fate and it has been turned into a brush. Now it paints far and wide hoping that its sign will inspire the imagination of many creative minds”.