Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

The art of being free

Course topic/s

BA Visual Communication Project




This book is intended for adults and children who want to explore the world on their own terms through their perceptions, reinventing how they look at reality.

Civil innocent disobedience is the theme of the publication and it means pushing the boundaries that society and our family pre-imposed on us. It is a freeing process that allows us to experience life one step at a time learning from our mistakes and discoveries.

Stimulating the reader’s will is this book’s most important aim and starts with its layout. There are two front pages so that the reader can start reading the book by making an arbitrary decision. In the middle of the book, the reader can experience a choice that becomes by itself the first real act of civil disobedience: doing something that is not usual, that breaks the preset rules of a normal book.