Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

Vetro – Perqueneau? – Esercizi di stile

Course topic/s

BA Visual Communication Project




Raymond Queneau’s book “Esercizi di stile” is a collection of 99 different short stories that actually tell the same story, each one of them is narrated following a different logic, defined from a specific keyword. “Perqueneau?” is a book design exercise that follows the same logic: a keyword is assigned and a “book” will be designed coherently with the term either in style and output.

“Glass” is this book keyword. Thinking about glass immediately came up to my mind an exhibition environment, therefore the idea of conscious inquiry. So, I decided to investigate the common printing technique CMYK basing on the decomposition of a picture’s colour in four different layers. I post-produced a picture narrating Queneau’s story and printed on four separated glass sheets the four different colour channels. As an output I obtained four levels existing separately that, when superimposed, create a complete and correct image. To keep together the glass sheets I realised a couple of metallic hooking, one also having the function of an easel, inspired from Munari for Dainese design piece.