Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

Workshop – Kanye West

Course topic/s

BA Visual Communication Project




Studio Moniker Workshop – Kanye West

The workshop was led by a representative of an interaction design studio: Studio Moniker. The exercise was to retrace an image using a different rule that we gave ourselves for each colour. We started with tree main rules, adding up some others where it was necessary. It took us some time to choose the right rules to follow, in order to train our minds to not follow the image as we would usually do and to get a better result.

Studio Interact Workshop – Kanye West

We also did a collaboration with the Art studio of Performance. The title of the workshop was “how to disappear”. Our performance was dealing with the theme of the stigma, which represented the  instagram profile of our group (Kanye West). The idea behind the catchy video was to show openly the  bipolarity disorder and its consequences. We decided to start the video slowly while the natural makeup, which represent the mask we wear every day, gets applied on the person’s face. When the mind gets out of control and cannot recognise theirselves anymore, the beat and the video fasten up and stops immediately.
