Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

Workshop – Shiey

Course topic/s

BA Visual Communication Project




Studio Moniker Workshop — Shiey.

Our goal working with Studio Moniker was making a portrait through a stimulating teamwork. Our portrait of Shiey ended up even more tough because his identity is already hidden behind a black balaclava.

We decided then, after some struggling, to focus more on portraying the natural environment that he always features in his content to actually enhance his persona, while leaving a blank space where his actual head is in the photo we chose.

The challenge in drawing the portrait was in following the graphic rules we created previously, and making the group work like an algorithm. Ours was almost a regenerative organism that was meant to spread very fast.

The color blue could start wherever with a Y shape, followed by the red, which could draw two lines starting from the two blue branches. The green could draw squares starting from the end of the lines, and on the four sides of them, four blue “Y”s could start again.

Studio Interact Workshop – Shiey

The perfomance revolves around the concept of “How to disappear”. Considering the subject of our research had, in some sense, already found a way to disappear, our group thought that it would have been interesting to analize how his disappearing impacted in other people’s lives, for example his close friends, relatives and family. Through the use of “Ghosting”, we imagined a conversation between Shiey and his mother, who insistently sends him messages, in hopes of receiving an answer, which inevitably doesn’t come.